Changing consciousness to energy access

Bridging the energy access gap globally

The Problem

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Over seven hundred million people have no access to electricity globally. Electrification efforts have closed the gap in the last decade, but less so over the last five years. This represents 10% of the world’s population.

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Fossil fuels still account for 84% of global energy supply.  Renewables only account for 5% of energy  supplied.


The availability and affordability of electricity is strongly related to income. Financing and equitable cost of energy represents one of the major barriers to achieve global access to energy.

The Process

What is a conscious asset?

An asset developed with the primary goal of bridging the global energy gap.

The Benefits

Increased energy access globally

Kick start economies

Real social & economic impact

Global sustainable development

Positive impact on climate change

Reducing cost of energy globally

Our goal?
An illuminated world

Innovating energy access

Raise investment to acquire assets globally
Profits from the investments to be deployed in other countries for energy access from conscious assets
Carbon credits to be also acquired from global assets + those subsequently gained from deployment on conscious assets
DFI / Grant funding to support development of conscious assets

Become part of the change

© Enco Initiative 2025